30 Tips For Young Women Pursuing Their Careers

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Some advice I have received and lessons I’ve learned along the way. 

  1. Be willing to take criticism because it’s crucial to the learning process.
  2. Study your superiors. At work, I am surrounded by brilliant female leaders. Learning from their example is incredibly valuable.
  3. Find internships. Go to workshops. Obtain all possible experience.
  4. Be creative and innovative in the workplace. You are young and offer a fresh outlook into your field. Contribute your ideas and think outside of the box.
  5. Understand that you’re never beneath any kind of work, and you’d be surprised what you can learn from seemingly meaningless tasks.
  6. Never feel you have to dress less feminine to be respected by others. Your appearance should be irrelevant in professional circumstances. It is your personal choice. Leaders can wear pink. Just be modest and professional and the rest is up to you.
  7. On that same note, never feel that your appearance in…

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