Yummy ricotta cheese oats pancakes

I know I have said it so many times, but I do really love lazy weekend brunch! It’s stronger than me! But I do have my brunch without falling off the wagon (not too much), therefore it’s important to always find healthy ways to cook delicious food.

This is a recipe that makes a huge success every time I invite friends for brunch. Ricotta cheese pancakes are simply delicious, and of course I make them with oats flour, because it is so healthy!!

Yield 4


Oops, I tried it before the shot!

Oops, I tried it before the shot!

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Boost your metabolism!

I have recently discovered this amazing book written by Jonny Bowden, PhD: “The 150 healthiest foods on earth

Needless to say, I am devouring it, eagerly!

I am particularly interested in this premise:

“Food stimulates the body to produce hormones (…) some of those hormones coax your metabolism into fat-burning mode, and others make it sluggish and more apt to store fat”

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Sweet Potatoes Health Benefits with a Bonus

As a child, I could live out of french fries, but as a full-grown ass woman, I am too conscious of their impact not only on health but also on my waistline. As part of my search for nutrient dense foods and carbs with low GI, I recently (about a year ago) rediscovered sweet potatoes. To be fairly honest, I prefer sweet potatoes flavour and texture to their white counterparts.

Image from the internet

Image from the internet

What I love the most about Sweet potatoes, besides being really delicious, is that, despite being sweet-tasting, their natural sugars are slowly released into the bloodstream, thus ensuring a balanced and regular source of energy, without the blood sugar spikes and their sugar-crashes, that are linked to fatigue and weight gain. And if you are wondering, yes, including sweet potatoes in a healthy diet can aid in the weight loss process.


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DIY Olive Oil Body Scrub

The minute I feel the weather changing, the sun getting warmer, the flowers blossoming, I immediately enter into a “body spring clean” mode.

Being portuguese, April it’s usually the month in which we ditch warm tights and heavy winter jackets and start taking long after-work or weekend walks on the beach. It’s however true that I cannot do the same here, in Munich, nevertheless, I still spring-clean my body anyway.

Nothing better to prepare our skin for the sun than with full body scrub to remove all that winter dullness.

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Spicy Green Curry Cuttlefish with Coconut Milk

I can’t resist spicing up all the food, being curry one of my faves.

Very often I revamp insipidus fish and sea food recipes by adding an exotic flavor, and  today’s pick: Green curry and coconut milk – hot please!
Why my choice of ingredients? Well, cuttlefish because it’s not meat!

You can try recipe with prawns, tofu or even fish (although it flakes in the process).
I am not a chef, but I really enjoy the freshness that these ingredients add to the curry recipe, I apologize in advance to any Indian or Thai who might feel offended with my way to cook curry!

So falvoursome and fragrant!

So flavoursome and fragrant!


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Hello Bikini Body – Fitness Challenge Phase I part I

Before I explain all about my Hello Bikini Challenge, I would like to quote Gabriele Bernstein about body image:

“I believe that we are spirits having a human experience (…) the body is a learning device for us to reconnect to our true essence, which is love. (…) A Course In Miracles teaches us to use our body to show up for these assignments and learn spiritual lessons. (…) The ego (fear based thoughts) has convinced us that our body is who we are (…) The ego compares the body to other bodies (…) Worst of all, the ego convinces us to be afraid of the body.”

I do love myself fully and wholly, and I am so grateful for my body and for what I can do with it. As much as I live my life with full absorption of these thoughts, I also want to look good in skinny jeans, or in a bikini, and that is not my ego’s lies and fearful projections, that is just me, wanting to be confident showing off a sexy bikini.  You don’t know this, but I have a pear-shaped body, which means that it has a tendency to store excess fat in the buttocks, hips and tights. I usually don’t have a problem with that, as it makes me feel more feminine and I rock A-line dresses.

-image from the internet

-image from the internet


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DIY Almond Milk

hedonism, health and fitness

Being almonds one of the world’s superfood, makes sense that we try to find several utilization, right? although I still eat yogurt and cheese, I have quitted cow milk, have my reasons, but this is not the post for those. I am not a regular milk consumer, I cook my oats with water, however I do enjoy changing every now and then, plus, almond milk is also a great milk replacement when baking!

Nutritive, healthy and easy to make almond milk! Nutritive, healthy and easy to make almond milk!

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Have a snack!

There’s a wrong idea that having an afternoon or mid morning snack is bad for us and for our diet. It can be, however true, if you are nibbling croissants, energy bars, bread (except this bread), sweets, cakes here and there, these snacks are sure to make you gain weight among other nasty side effects for your health.

However, and quoting Kim Larson, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:

“We need to change our mindset (…) Snacking has been traditionally viewed as eating junk food or sweets.”

some good examples of what you should not eat!

some good examples of what you should not eat!

So a question remains: Are cookies and chips snacks? No, they are treats, and sometimes we do need a treat, however, eating too much of them will certainly add up some kg to your scale.

So, if it’s ok to have a snack as long as it not a cookie, a cake, energy bar… what exactly are we talking about? What should we snack, then? According to Majorie Nolan Cohn, the author of “Belly Fat Fix”,

“Snacks should contain a protein source and at least one other food group such as a complex carbohydrate or fruit (…) A yogurt and an apple, or a cheese stick and whole wheat crackers are good examples”

How many calories should have a healthy snack? The author explains that

“In terms of calories, a healthy snack ranges from 200 to 300 calories for a man and 150 to 200 calories for a woman”

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Mushroom Quinoa Risotto

Being said that Quinoa it’s one of the worlds Superfoods and having gone already through its benefits, there is really nothing more to do than to share some of my favorite quinoa recipes.

Personally I use quinoa to replace rice, couscous and even pasta, as this healthy seed is equally delicious warm as in cold dishes.

One can cook Quinoa risotto this way I am about to share, which is similar with the traditional way of cooking risotto, or in a healthier version, which is, to cook the Quinoa separate, and sauté the mushrooms and then mix them together. Personally, I prefer this version.

Yield 2 portions

My top 5 Quinoa dishes

My top 5 Quinoa dishes

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