Loaded Veggies Quiche

One of my biggest diet concerns is to create easy lunches to bring to work, not only for the financial side of it, but mostly for the quality of the ingredients and, naturally, the ingredients themselves!

I love Munich, but one must admit, this city is not the most “eat clean” friendly, where the majority of the lunch menus at restaurants are composed of fried beef/pork/chicken served with not home-made sauces that who knows what are made of. I don’t like to be that person that goes out to lunch with work associates/friends and spends the time bitching about the menu options, therefore, I am a Bento-box/lunch in a bag/lunch in a box kind of gal!

Quiche is super-duper easy to make, keep and bring to work, and, when made with fresh veggies are mega healthy.

Quiches are also a different way to have a good veggie portion

Quiche are also a different way to have a good veggie portion

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Paleo Almond Pancakes

Weekend, at last!

I am über excited, the weather is finally getting warmer (according to Portuguese standards, naturally) and I can’t wait to start biking, hiking or just strolling along the river. yeah!

I “made” almond flour yesterday, and decided to try a 100% paleo recipe. Will I succeed?
Not bad at all, must say! I was somehow afraid that without the yogurt it would turn too dry, but the almond milk made it deliciously moisty! They turned out a bit darker, but it’s due to the almond flour and milk (as I do it at home, don’t filter everything), but that just added to the flavour, which was amazing!

Delicious topped with redberries

I topped mine with red berries, and it was delicious!

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Abs are made in the kitchen – Best foods for burning belly fat and rock your bikini!

Do you agree?

Do you agree?

When I go for something, I really go! As you might have noticed, I am now in week three of “Hello Bikini Body” Fitness Challenge, with which I intend to lose belly fat, get rid of those love handles and shape up my bottom. Too ambitious? Maybe, but I like challenges!

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30 Tips For Young Women Pursuing Their Careers

love it!



Some advice I have received and lessons I’ve learned along the way. 

  1. Be willing to take criticism because it’s crucial to the learning process.
  2. Study your superiors. At work, I am surrounded by brilliant female leaders. Learning from their example is incredibly valuable.
  3. Find internships. Go to workshops. Obtain all possible experience.
  4. Be creative and innovative in the workplace. You are young and offer a fresh outlook into your field. Contribute your ideas and think outside of the box.
  5. Understand that you’re never beneath any kind of work, and you’d be surprised what you can learn from seemingly meaningless tasks.
  6. Never feel you have to dress less feminine to be respected by others. Your appearance should be irrelevant in professional circumstances. It is your personal choice. Leaders can wear pink. Just be modest and professional and the rest is up to you.
  7. On that same note, never feel that your appearance in…

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Post Easter Detoxifying Red Smoothie

Hello everyone! Hope your Easter was amazing! If you don’t celebrate Easter, I hope your weekend rocked!

Easter Bunny

Easter might be the 2nd most loved Christian Holiday by children (the 1st is definitely Christmas, as besides eating chocolate, they also get presents), I know that for me it was, not only would I had a nice exquisite meal with my parents, but I also get to eat chocolate almonds, chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies… you know the drill!

As an adult, thank God, I skipped the chocolate indulgence part, but not the food! I like to eat, don’t know if is a Portuguese thing, but I do love eating, being Easter one of my “Trash days”, in which I allow myself to eat more, drink more and move way less.

Alike Christmas and New Year season, I often resource to a little detox process on the following days to clean and detoxifying my body.

Green smoothies are often my choice, however, this time, I went red!

Red is the new Green!

Red is the new Green!

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DIY Almond Flour

In case you haven’t noticed here or here, I love almonds and almond products. Besides being delicious, they are also very healthy, don’t believe me? Check out this list and you will fall head over heels with almonds:

Easy Peasy!

Easy Peasy!

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Healthy Paleo Noodles

I am so excited with today’s recipe, but so excited, you can’t possibly imagine!

I have been reading in other health & fitness blogs about this zucchini noodles/pasta, but they all suggested that the only way to make those would be with a specific kitchen appliance. I like to have some kitchen appliances, as long as they make my life easier, I love it, they become my besties. Best purchase I have done in the last year was my beloved food processor with blender accessory and other blades that I haven’t really discovered what for are they good. But somehow, buying a kitchen appliance just to cut zucchini, seemed a bit too much.


Fake pasta packed with vitamins and nutrients!

Fake pasta packed with vitamins and nutrients!

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